



一家工程公司发展迅速. 但它的技术能力跟不上. RSM的管理服务团队介入提供解决方案.

管理服务 托管云和IT 云服务
IT基础设施 劳动和劳动力 托管IT服务 专业服务

早在2017年,拉巴基斯特纳公司(Raba Kistner Inc .)的员工. had an information technology issue, they went to their network manager, Scott Ripper. 当开膛手需要帮助的时候,他去找…没人.

“For a while, it was just my supervisor and me handling IT for over 500 people,” says Ripper. “然后我的上司离开了公司.”

But rather than be overwhelmed at the fact that he was now a one-man IT department for hundreds of people, Ripper and the management at Raba Kistner saw an opportunity to bring in new resources and reassess the organization’s needs. Raba Kistner management believed that a managed services approach would help resolve the company’s IT problems while building a strong technological foundation for growth.


成立于1968年, Raba Kistner is an engineering consulting and program management firm that specializes in addressing key risk areas within the industry. The company was currently working with RSM US LLP for its tax and audit needs. 拥有牢固的专业关系, 以及RSM为工程咨询公司服务的经验, 对于Raba Kistner来说,在it问题上向RSM寻求帮助是很自然的.

最初, the RSM managed services team provided Raba Kistner with an interim chief information officer. 然后,RSM为组织创建了一个技术路线图. This road map highlighted areas of potential improvement and verified Ripper’s concerns.

“那时我们的网络已经过时了,”里珀说. “我们比我们需要达到的目标落后了五年.”

因此,RSM着手升级Raba Kistner的系统. 这涉及到对公司网络的全面检修, enhancing cybersecurity and moving all the organization’s servers into the cloud. Ripper says that everyone involved knew that it was going to be a long-term project.

“We took everything in bits and pieces and just kept moving forward,” Ripper says. “这很有趣,有时也有点令人沮丧. 但是RSM进来说,‘这就是你该做的.’ And that was a big help and took a lot of the intimidation out of it.”

There’s just a level of confidence we have in RSM to figure out how to fix problems or come up with an alternative in a timely manner, 在此之前,我们可能需要几个月的时间才能实现.
斯科特•开膛手 Raba Kistner Inc .网络经理.


Ripper was pleased that the engagement got off to a strong start—not just in terms of technological improvements, 但是考虑到执行的速度. For example, RSM undertook the management of Raba Kistner’s cloud environment. To do so, the firm first had to transfer massive amounts of data to the cloud.

“The time frame to move the data—about 13 or 14 terabytes—was going to be 16 weeks,” says Ripper. “我们一个月就完成了.”

当然,这不仅仅是速度的问题. RSM had to understand the complexities of Raba Kistner’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform and how it interacted with other technologies. Any changes or enhancements had to take into consideration the ERP platform’s capabilities. Ripper emphasizes that Raba Kistner was interested in proven technologies with a good track record in the marketplace, and any solutions had to be implemented without affecting the company’s ability to do business. Ripper says that RSM overcame these challenges and built a more sophisticated IT framework.

Ripper说:“RSM为我们提供了前所未有的vwin娱乐场官方. “以前,我们只是试图通过网络vwin娱乐场官方解决方案. 所以有一大群专业人士说, ‘嘿, 我们在这个领域很精通,来帮助我们解决这个问题真是天赐良机.”


因为改进组织的IT功能是一项永无止境的工作, RSM will continue to work with Raba Kistner to meet the challenges of the future. Ripper says that the company has plans for growth that require a robust IT system, 反过来, 是否需要与RSM保持密切的工作关系.

Ripper表示:“RSM将继续得到应用. “这件事没有‘如果’、‘手’或‘但是’. 因为我们会有一些项目需要他们的帮助.”

在开膛手看来, Raba Kistner的IT平台每天都在变得更强大, and he believes that the company’s full integration into the cloud has opened up new possibilities in terms of functionality and applications. He says that end users, in particular, will benefit from the improvements that RSM has implemented.

“最终用户会喜欢它的,”里珀说. “There’s just a level of confidence we have in RSM to figure out how to fix problems or come up with an alternative in a timely manner, 在此之前,我们可能需要几个月的时间才能实现.”


开膛手不再是整个组织的IT部门了. He now leads a small internal team that meshes well with RSM’s managed services professionals. The two groups are in constant communication about goals and the next stages of the engagement.

“I don’t think there’s a week that goes by where I don’t talk to RSM and say, ‘What about this?或者“在这种情况下我们该怎么做??’”里珀说. “We focus on what can be done with this product or application to make it perform the way we want it to perform.”

Ripper说RSM减轻了他的IT团队的压力, 结果就是, 该部门的日常运作有所改善. He adds that Raba Kistner staff members believe that they can approach RSM with questions or concerns, 以及询问技术创新, because the managed services team has the experience and breadth of services to serve as an effective advisor. Ripper说,因为这种协作的环境, RSM has become an important resource for educating Raba Kistner’s staff about cutting-edge technology and the nuances of the IT world.

“My team is tickled to death when they learn something new, and it excites them,” Ripper says. “他们每个人都喜欢RSM. 和他们一起工作使我们的工作更容易了.”


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